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Thursday 25 September 2014

Cryptolocker - Don't Let It Hold You To Ransom


Cryptolocker ransomware is spreading at a rapid rate, with business PC users being a primary target.

What is Cryptolocker?

Cryptolocker is a ransomware that encrypts files and charges a ransom to decrypt them. Below are examples of the prompt given once cryptolocker has taken hold of your files.  

How it spreads:

Cryptolocker spreads in two ways, via email attachments or as a secondary infection.

Email Attachments – Email attachments that require downloading are the primary tool used to spread cryptolocker. The emails often appear to be from a shipping company, for example; UPS, FedEx and Royal Mail, with the attachment portrayed as tracking information. See examples below:

Secondary Infection – PCs that are already affected by one or more viruses are more open to being infected with cryptolocker. This is because viruses offer a back door for further attacks. 

Prevention Advice:

Backup – It is always a good idea to make regular backups of important data, especially in this case. Backups can be set up to prevent the backup of infected files and provide a clear restoration point when files are lost or infected.

Limit – Limit access to important files, as this lessens the chance of them being encrypted.

Update – Maintain updates for your anti-virus, system and applications to keep your PC up to date and patched.

Educate – Make sure everyone in the office is aware of the dangers of phishing emails and suspicious email attachments.

Avoid – Avoid opening attachments you weren't expecting or from unknown sources.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on 01723 587240.


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