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Thursday 9 October 2014

Cloud Backup - How can it benefit you?

Cloud backup is increasingly more popular within our current technological environment, so we are taking this opportunity to keep you up to speed with what cloud backup actually is and why there has been an increase in its popularity.

Data Backups
Before cloud backup we relied on local backup, local backup is simply a copy of data to be stored in a different location to the original data, most commonly on tapes or another hard drive. However this form of backup cannot be seen as an effective form of disaster recovery. In order for this to be an effective form of disaster recovery the tapes or hard drives containing the copies need to be stored in a secure offsite location, to ensure that in the event of a fire the copies of your data are not lost along with the originals. This is where cloud backup comes in.

What is Cloud Backup?
Cloud backup or remote backup, as it is also known as, works in the same way as local or tape backup, except that your data is copied to highly secure off site data storage facilities over the internet. This form of backup is completely automatic, thus providing a more effective form of disaster recovery than local backup, due to data being stored offsite.

Why Cloud Backup?
Backup of this type offers a number of benefits to businesses, such as:
·         You only pay for the storage (GBs) you need
·         It offers a large retention period allowing for retrieval of accidentally deleted or modified  files
·         Flexible, limitless storage that can be scaled up or down as you require
·         Backup data can be accessed from any computer, even on the move
·         Backups can be completely automated, no user intervention is required
·         Offsite storage adding an element of disaster recovery
·         Scalability – it can easily adapt to deal with business growth
·         Most online backup services have redundant systems in place, increasing the safety of your  data

If you want to know more about online backup and how it can benefit you, why not give Andy a call on:
01723 587240


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