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Thursday 6 November 2014

How to recover an unsaved Microsoft Office Document...

Never worry about losing unsaved changes again!

We've all closed the document we were working on without saving the changes we’d made. And we've probably all had a mild panic when we realised that we hadn't saved our work. So here’s how to recover unsaved edits or even never before saved documents.

To recover recent, unsaved changes to a document follow these steps: 
  •  Open the Word document that you were working on, click the ‘file’ tab in the top left of your screen.
  • Down the left hand side you should see more tabs, make sure you are on the one labelled 'info'.
  • This should give you a page with three headings, under the 'versions' heading it should show you all unsaved versions of the document you have open.
  • Click on the version you need and once it opens SAVE IT!!

Alternatively, it is possible to recover a previously unsaved document in the event that you close it without saving it. Here’s how:
  • As before open up Microsoft Word, this time just a blank document, and click the 'file' tab in the top left corner.
  • From the tabs on the left hand side of the screen, select the 'recent' tab.
  • This will show you a list of all the saved documents you have recently opened, and at the very bottom of the screen there is a folder labelled 'recover unsaved documents'. Double click this folder and this should open in a new window.
  • In the new window chose the file you need from all your unsaved documents, open it and SAVE IT!!

Both of these methods can be carried out in other Microsoft Office applications, including Publisher and Excel.  

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