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Thursday 6 August 2015

What is Disaster Recovery and Why does your business need it?

What is Disaster Recovery?
Disaster Recovery is the area of security planning that refers to the specific steps that a business takes to resume normal working business in the aftermath of a disruptive event. Generally, disaster recovery plans involve a set of policies and procedures to enable the recovery of vital technology infrastructure and systems, in the aftermath of a natural or human-induced disaster. A disruptive event can be anything that hinders a business' ability to continue its normal operations, such as: a fire, power cut, crippling cyber-attacks, equipment failure, as well as other natural or physical disasters.

5 Reasons Why your Business Needs a Disaster Recovery Plan:

  1. No business can continue to function without its critical data, applications and operations. Disaster recovery plans are put in place to protect against this.
  2. Hardware can fail, causing service interruptions or data loss. Hardware failure can't be prevented, but you can have a plan in place to minimise the effect it will have on business operations. 
  3. People make mistakes, human error is one of the hardest things to prevent. It is easy to accidentally delete or change important data, however it is just as easy to back up your data.
  4. Nature is unpredictable, severe weather can cause unexpected disruption to business. While you can't change the weather, you can protect your business from the aftermath. 
  5. Customers want reliable, uninterrupted service! If you can't get back up and running after a disaster customers are likely to look elsewhere for a more reliable service.
Plan for the Unexpected!
No business expects that a disaster will affect them, until it does!

Natural disasters are unpreventable and can cause a great deal of property damage and often leave some economic damage in their wake. Likewise disasters such as data loss, theft and hardware failure can have a lasting impact on your business.  However a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, tailored to your business, can protect against the loss of revenue that they leave in their wake.

For help creating a comprehensive disaster recovery plan for your business call Practical Networks on 01723 587240 or email recovery@practicalnetworks.co.uk


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