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Thursday 30 April 2015

Cybersecurity & Mobile Security Tip for Businesses!

Cybersecurity is becoming more and more of an issue for businesses, as security attacks are evolving at an alarming rate. Last year in particular saw a number of high profile security breaches, such as; Heartbleed and Shellshock, positioning cybersecurity as a major concern for businesses and individuals alike. So here are 10 tips on how to protect your business against cyber-attacks:

1.       Establish basic security practices and educate all of your employees in these practices. This will help ensure all of your employees understand how to handle and protect vital business and customer information.

2.       Make sure all computers and networks are protected, by making sure that anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software is installed and kept up to date on all corporate PCs. It is also in good practice to schedule regular anti-virus scans on all PCs.

3.       Protect your internet connection with firewall security and make sure that firewalls are maintained. It is also important to make sure that employees who work from home have a secure internet connection.

4.       It is vital to keep your operating system and all your software up to date, by installing the latest updates and security patches. Updates can be set to install automatically, saving time and ensuring they are installed as soon as they are available. (Cyber criminals will take advantage of vulnerabilities found in out of date or unpatched software)

5.       Employ some form of disaster recovery and backup strategy, to regularly backup all of your data. In the case that your computer does become infected, you will be able to restore all your files once the malware has been deleted.

6.       Don’t allow unauthorised individuals to use business computers and secure your Wi-Fi network with passwords (preferably not the password that the device came with).

7.       Ensure all employees use a strong password, one that uses a mix of numbers, upper and lower case letters and symbols. Also make sure passwords are changed regularly.

8.       Limit employee’s access and authority according to their roles. Only provide access to the specific data systems that are needed to carry out their roles.

9.       Make sure all employees know to avoid opening emails or email attachments from unknown sources or that don’t appear to be legit. It is often the case that email attachments carry malware so be cautious and one infected PC could put the whole network at risk.

10.   Enforce strict rules about installing new software and only install software from trusted sites. 

       The number of businesses allowing for BYOD is increasing, and so it is important for them to keep their data secure on all devices. Malware is not just a problem for PC’s, as cybercriminals have taken to hiding their malicious codes inside mobile apps. So we have some Security Tips to protect your Mobile Workforce.

7 Tips for a Secure Mobile Network:

1.       Don’t let mobile security be your blind spot; mobile devices need the same protection as your corporate PC’s, so implement security precautions on all mobile devices.

2.       Add security measures to your wireless network - a password or security key can keep unauthorised devices from accessing your wireless connection. Encryption technology can also help, by protecting the information transmitted through your network.

3.       Encourage employees who use mobile devices for business purposes, to password protect their devices and set them to lock within five minutes. Passwords act as a first line of defence should the device fall into the wrong hands.

4.       Educate your users about carefully examining app permissions before granting access. Most apps ask for access to many unnecessary features on your device.

5.       Develop a policy item to determine which apps can be downloaded or accessed via the corporate network. If an app has a weakness it is easier to hack, posing a threat to your corporate security.

6.       Lose it, Lock it, Wipe it - download an app on your mobile devices that allows you and your employees to lock and wipe the device in the event of theft or loss. Should your device be gone for good such apps will enable you to wipe all of your data including text messages, contacts, photos, email, browser history and user accounts.

7.      Update apps as soon as you are prompted to, as updates can include fixes to new vulnerabilities and exploited security gaps.

For any more information on how to keep your corporate date secure, contact one of the team on 01723 587240


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